
Data Wrangling Project

CAD 100.00

This simple view compiles information from the Goods & Services module into one convenient dataset. It includes all the relevant information about each Services transaction, including client information, program information, and the user that entered the transaction.

Data Wrangling Project

CAD 100.00

This simple view compiles information from the Goods & Services module into one convenient dataset. It includes all the relevant information about each Goods transaction, including client information, program information, and the user that entered the transaction.

Data Wrangling Project

CAD 150.00

This view pulls in data from over 40 fields that are relevant to Housing Placements, so you have an easy way to reference everything you need, all in one place. It includes several useful measurements, including search duration and total subsidy, as well as listing caseworkers, landlords, housing type, address and geographic region, and more.

Data Wrangling Project

CAD 100.00

This simple view compiles information from the Incidents module into one convenient dataset. It includes all the relevant information about each Incident, including involved clients and staff, emergency service involvement, notes and recording staff.

Data Wrangling Project

CAD 150.00

This view pulls data from all services where a Program has been added. For each Program, a client's Program Entry Date is determined as the earliest date that a client ever began receiving a service associated with that Program. In addition, the view calculates what the client's most recent Housing Status was at the time of Program Entry. Intended for HPP-funded communities.

Data Wrangling Project

CAD 100.00

This simple view compiles information from the Turnaways module into one convenient dataset. It compiles both identified and anonymous Turnaways together, making it easier to summarize. It includes all relevant information, including reasons for service and turnaway, requested by staff, and referral information.

Data Wrangling Project

CAD 200.00

The dataset pulls data from the VI-SPDAT (Adult) version 2 and organizes it into a single view, listing overall data about the VI-SPDAT (i.e. caseworker, date and time) along with answers to individual questions stored in columns. It also calculates the number of VI-SPDATs the client has completed, and retrieves the trimorbidity score along with other section scores.

Ontario HPP Program

CAD 500.00

This report is intended to allow communities in Ontario who receive HPP funding to use HIFIS data to report on housing attainment, loss, and retention. Broadly speaking, the report summarizes data about households that had a move-in or retained housing for 12 months or who became homeless, filtered by date range, service providers, programs, and service types.

This is an unofficial report and is not endorsed by the Ontario MMAH.

Ontario HPP Program

CAD 500.00

This report is intended to allow communities in Ontario who receive HPP funding to use HIFIS data to report on housing attainment, loss, and retention. Broadly speaking, the report summarizes data about households that had a move-in or retained housing for 12 months or who became homeless, filtered by date range, service providers, programs, and service types.

This is an unofficial report and is not endorsed by the Ontario MMAH.

Ontario HPP Program

CAD 500.00

This report is intended to allow communities in Ontario who receive HPP funding to use HIFIS data to report out on the program participants section of the HPP reporting requirements, which encompass the majority of sections 1 and 2. Broadly speaking, the report summarizes data about which households received any services at given Service Provider(s) and of given service type(s). It also determines the first time the household received a service like it, and from that determines whether the client was homeless or at risk of homelessness at the time, and also whether that means the client was new to HPP or a returning household.

This is an unofficial report and is not endorsed by the Ontario MMAH.

Ontario HPP Program

CAD 500.00

This report is intended to allow communities in Ontario who receive HPP funding to use HIFIS data to report out on the program participants section of the HPP reporting requirements, which encompass the majority of sections 1 and 2. Broadly speaking, the report summarizes data about which households received services associated with which Programs. It also determines the first time the household received a service like it, and from that determines whether the client was homeless or at risk of homelessness at the time, and also whether that means the client was new to HPP or a returning household.

This is an unofficial report and is not endorsed by the Ontario MMAH.

CAD 2,000.00

Looking for the complete ACRE Consulting set of unofficial HPP reports? Get them all in one go. This bundle includes:

Note there are two versions of this bundle. This version is for communities not making use of the Programs field.