Housing Placements Dataset
Data Wrangling Project
This view pulls in data from over 40 fields that are relevant to Housing Placements, so you have an easy way to reference everything you need, all in one place. It includes several useful measurements, including search duration and total subsidy, as well as listing caseworkers, landlords, housing type, address and geographic region, and more.
As a bonus, we're throwing in a free sample report that'll work with this dataset. It's designed for you to play with and make your own, so it's not terribly fancy. Make something beautiful with it!
This view contains the following columns, pulling data from all Custom Tables attached to the Client Vitals screen:
- HousePlacementID
- ServiceID
- OrganizationID
- ServiceProvider
- ProgramID
- Program
- ClientID
- ClientName
- PrimaryClient
- HouseholdSize
- CaseworkerPersonID
- CaseworkerUserID
- CaseworkerName
- HPStartDate
- TargetDate
- DateHousingSecured
- DateExpectedMoveIn
- MovedInDate
- MovedOutDate
- HPEndDate
- SearchDuration
- StartToSecuredDuration
- SecuredToMoveInDuration
- HousingDuration
- SupportInHousingDuration
- TotalServiceDuration
- HouseID
- HousingUnitInventory
- LandlordPersonID
- LandlordName
- Address
- City
- GeoRegion
- HouseType
- Rent
- NoSubsidies
- TotalSubsidyAmt
- LastFollowUp
- LastStillInHousing
- LastReasonLeftHousing
- PlacementStatusID
- PlacementStatus
- ViewVersion