Service Module Review

How should we be using HIFIS?

Where are staff recording the assistance they're providing to clients?

Are those the right places?

Hire ACRE Consulting to conduct a Service Module Review to answer these questions and more! Using our extensive expertise with HIFIS data, we will identify:

  • Areas that are blossoming: core Service Modules where your usage is high and your data is solid
  • Areas that are barren: core Service Modules where we would expect to see more usage
  • Areas to water: service providers and staff roles with comparatively low Service Module usage
  • Areas to prune: your usage is low, but that's because there's low added value here
  • Offshoots: areas where your usage of a Service Modules module is higher than typical in specific circumstances

What we need:

We need access to your HIFIS database, but just the ability to run reports. We are happy to sign any confidentiality agreement that you require in order to make this happen. Some communities provide us with a backup of their database; others provide login credentials to their HIFIS site; others provide a connection string to connect to the server. Whatever works best for you, we can work with that.

You will get:

  1. A formal or informal summary of our findings (your choice)
  2. A 1-hour debrief to present and discuss our findings
  3. A copy of the ABC Module Usage report for your future use!


This service covers data stored in the Service Modules in HIFIS found in the Client Management or the Front Desk menu. It does not include Custom Tables or Client Information or Programs, and it does not review Rights Templates or other configuration.
