Activity and Inactivity

One of the new features of HIFIS 4.0.59 is an automated client inactivity function. This makes use of a pre-existing field called Client State/Status, which used to only be able to be updated manually, and now adds an automation.
Previously, a client would have one of three statues: Active, Inactive, or Deceased. A user would manually change the value of the field if they wanted to mark a client as Deceased or Inactive. Of course, since it was a manual process, staff would hardly ever mark a client as Inactive due to not having seen the client in a while. First of all, who has time for that? And second of all, each individual user would only know if they’d seen the client in a while. They wouldn’t know if collectively, no one had seen the client in a while.
Then along came HIFIS 4.0.59. The first thing that it did was re-label the old Inactive status to Archived, so clients that were previously (pre-4.0.59) “Inactive” now became “Archived.” Then, it added a new status called “Inactive.” However, you could no longer manually indicate that a client was Inactive. Instead, every night, HIFIS would evaluate for every client if they’d had activity in the last X 90 number of days. Clients that had not had any activity in their file in the period would become automatically marked as Inactive, while those who had activity in the period remained Active.
Inactivity Threshold
I mentioned it looked up whether there was activity in the last X number of days. Well, this is governed by your Cluster settings, so it could be different for each Cluster. By default, the value is 90 (the unit is days), but this can be changed. In order to comply with most requirements, it should be set to be 90 or less.
As of HIFIS, this value is now set at 90 days and cannot be changed.
What makes a client Active?
In HIFIS, when any user takes certain actions for a client file, this updates the client's Date of Last Activity. If the client's Date of Last Activity is at least the Inactivity Threshold # of days ago, the client automatically becomes inactive at some point overnight.
If a client who is inactive has one of the actions taken on their file, they immediately become active once more.
Here is a list of actions that result in the client becoming or remaining active: | | | |
Given that so many of the above actions are only attached to a single client, it’s very likely that partners and especially dependent children will have a lack of activity in their file. In other words, children that are part of a family are likely to have unreliable activity/inactivity statuses.
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