Tips and Tricks
Use This One Weird Trick For Your HIFIS Email System
Did I get you? Sorry about the clickbait title, I couldn’t resist. Because it is a weird trick!
Most people don’t know that you can add a plus sign and a tag to your email address and have it go to the same place. For example:
All of the above all go to the same place!
This approach is called sub-addressing or plus-addressing, and is supported by most (but not all) email services, including G…
How to record supportive housing in HIFIS
One of the remaining gaps in HIFIS is for housing programs. The Housing Placement module works reasonably well for programs like Housing First and Rapid Re-Housing, in which a caseworker:
Starts searching for housing with a client
Secures housing
Helps them move in
Provides assistance after move-in
Follows up to ensure they remain housed
However, many housing programs start with the client moving in. Their workflow looks like this:
Help the client move in
Support them while they are moved in (the defini…
Expanded Contact Information
Have you ever had a client that didn't have a cell phone number and couldn't reliably access the internet to check their email?
That was rhetorical. Of course you have!
Typically, we use the Contact Info tab on the Client Vitals screen to record the way we can contact our client, but the default options are out-of-date and fairly limited. Like, who has a pager or a fax machine these days?
What if I told you that instead you could make this tab way more useful?
The first thing that you'd…
Making the most of Transitional housing status
As of HIFIS version 4.0.59, there's a new feature that identifies the client's Housing Status.
The Housing Status is derived from a combination of both the client's Housing History and their Admissions, and can be one of 5 statuses:
- Housed
- Homeless
- Chronically Homeless
- Unknown
- Transitional
You can look up the Housing Types that belong to the Housed, Homeless, and Transitional categories in Administration > Housing Continuum by looking up the Reaching Home Continuum. A client is Chroni…
Passwords & Account Security
Several years ago, we wrote about a new feature (new in version 4.0.52!) that allowed for more secure passwords in HIFIS, with more options for customizing.
Internet security has evolved, so we thought it was time to revisit our old discussion. HIFIS has several features that allow you to configure some things, but how should you configure them?
Password Expiry
One thing that has been examined recently is policies that force a user to create a new password every so often (typically 90 days). …
How to Record Street Outreach in HIFIS 4 (Revisited)
Street outreach involves moving outside the walls of the agency to engage people experiencing homelessness who may be disconnected and alienated not only from mainstream services and supports, but from the services targeting homeless persons as well.
Homeless Hub
Street outreach is when a worker goes outside of their place of employment to deliberately connect with people experienc…
Simple Training Time Calculator
Luckily, there's a simple way to get yourself a rough idea of how long you need to spend training your staff. We've put together a calculator where you can put in your requirements and find out how much time you need. Note that this gets you a very, very rough idea! Just a place to start.
Calculate Now
How to Record Hotel/Motel Stays in HIFIS 4
HIFIS 4 has lots of great features, but one of the things that is missing is an out-of-the-box way for you to handle programs that sort of operate like shelters but sort of don’t. One example of this is communities that have a motel voucher program or something similar, in which homeless clients stay in a hotel or motel room that is paid for by a service provider. A host homes program might share similar challenges as well.
How Are Motel Stays Different?
Let’s start by discussing the key diffe…
Fun with Custom Tables: Landlord Engagement
In HIFIS, every action typically needs to be attached to a Client. For example: you do a referral for a Client; you do a SPDAT with a Client; you make case notes about a Client. Most of the time, this isn't a problem, except when it is.
What if you have someone in your system whose job is to liaise with landlords? Perhaps a significant portion of their day is spent reaching out to landlords to negotiate for allocating some empty units (in general, not specific units) for some Housing First Cli…
Fun with Custom Tables: Consent
As mentioned in a previous article, there are some challenges in HIFIS 4 regarding the ability of users to keep track of who they're allowed to talk to about the client.
There's a Consent module in HIFIS which is really intended to keep track of whether the client has consented for you to store their data in HIFIS. This is a bit of a weird assumption for some communities, who point out that it could be potentially redundant. If staff are well trained and they're getting informed consent from al…