Got an idea about how HIFIS 4 can be improved? Find something wrong? Report it here!
Ending Services with Expired Consent
Here’s a big pain point: when you have a client with expired consent, but they’re in the middle of receiving services. Like, they’re booked into a shelter, or they have an open case file. I get that with no consent, the principle of you can’t modify the client’s information is good and valid, but there’s a problem I think where HIFIS is conflating modifying information and ending a service. So for example to close a case file, you need permission to Edit the case file, and you have to click the Edit button, which also lets you, say, change the caseworker or otherwise modify information. I think globally it would be helpful to have a separate right and button to simply close services. Like there’s a separate right and button to close bulletins. In Admissions, Book-Out is already a separate right. But there should probably be a separate right for CM and other modules like storage, subsidies, HPs, and any other ongoing service. Not saying that you couldn’t close a case file by editing it (in this proposed future), but to have a separate button that JUST closes it. Like with bulletins. Obviously, since this describes lots of different modules and cases, I’m putting it as a longer-term fix. Anyways, we need the ability to close services for clients with expired consent. Right now people tell me they are doing workarounds like: disabling Enforce Consent for an hour and then turning it back on, or editing the Consent Expiry Date to tomorrow then changing it back, just so they can close these services. Option 1: grant the Admin a permanent exemption to the Enforce Consent rule. The Admin can do whatever they like to client files, regardless of whether the consent is valid or not. Forever. Option 2: create a Database Maintenance option that’s something like “bulk expire all services for clients with expired consent” Option 3: just add these close buttons throughout the software Option 4: create an automatic process of when consent expires, also automatically close all services (this could be problematic if, say, a client's consent expires for a few days before getting reactivated, thought) Option 5: have a button or something on a client file, that says, bulk expire all services for this client. Maybe this can be like the Client Service Delete option.
Close Consent vs Edit
I would like to see a specific button on the consent screen that just says “Withdraw consent” or “Expire” or “end” or “close” I don’t know what it should be called but all it lets you do is add an end date. In an ideal world, the user can choose the end date and add an optional note about it. (That note can just be the existing Comments field) This should be governed by a separate, new right. Separate from Edit. Why? We probably want most staff to be able to end a consent, but not edit the other fields. Furthermore, there’s an issue since consents are “owned by” a SP. If I consent at SP A and then I go to SP B and say that I withdraw my consent, the staff at SP B cannot end the consent created by SP A. So the ability to end a consent overrules who owns the consent record. I’ve noticed that some consent date fields are un-editable. It’s a bit weird. Like, if I added a CA + Explicit consent, it creates two records, and I can edit the Start Date for Explicit but not for CA. Now I’m assuming that this probably has to do with an accountability trail. We can let people add comments to a consent when they edit it, but they can’t change the start date. However, this does have problems like what if they signed the consent form yesterday but I only added the record today? I think adding the close consent button, which is separate from editing the consent, would be helpful. Then those un-editable fields can be editable again, but only by people with the right permission, which would probably be just admins at this point.
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